Even though there are some pastors in the Emerging Church Movement that are true to scripture, the movement as a whole needs to stick to the essentials of the Christian faith, otherwise, in spite of its proclamation to renew Christianity afresh, it will become stale and heretical. The second thing that I want us to notice about this verse is that it clearly tells us that God did three things with the Sabbath. Cracking the Genesis Code Video 10 text summary. In many ways it is a quite fascinating and alluring religion. Now we know from our study, that Adam and Eve failed the test. And so, obviously, the Creator of the book of Genesis was none other than Jesus Christ. But then there’s a second type of wicked seed, and that is those who are covertly wicked. What he professes is not the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The time has come for believers to cast off any works of darkness, including drunkenness, immorality, and jealousy. As Robert Parham’s recent editorial, “Romans 13 Is Weak Proof-Text for Anti-Immigration Church Members,” illustrates, Romans 13 is often the go-to proof-text for urging compliance with and allegiance to government authority. What a deal! The second point that I want us to notice is that God is in a specific place, which in the Bible is called heaven. You can find them at secretsunsealed.org and https://www.youtube.com/user/secretsunsealed, Trinity Doctrine-The Nature of God & The True Biblical Interpretation, 1 John 5:7 The Johannine Comma-Comma Johanneum. He talked very little of the life beyond this one…”, “Hell is our refusal to trust God’s retelling of our story,”, “We create hell whenever we fail to trust God’s retelling of our story.”, “…a word that refers to the big, wide, terrible evil that comes from the secrets hidden deep without our hearts all the way to the massive, society-wide collapse and chaos that comes when we fail to live in God’s world God’s way.”, “We do ourselves great harm when we confuse the very essence of God, which is love, with the very real consequences of rejecting that love, which creates what we call hell.”, “My experience has been a lot of Christians built whole dogmas about what happens when you die, and we have to be very careful we don’t build whole doctrines and dogmas on what is speculation.”, “You’re the one making speculation about the after life.”, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.”, “absent from the body… [and] present with the Lord.”, “the wicked, following whatever degree and duration of pain that God may justly inflict, will finally and truly die, perish and become extinct for ever and ever.”, punishment: but the righteous into eternal, “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”, “…there is no shred of evidence in the N.T. The earth before creation was without form, void, in darkness, and it is described as “the deep. His heart truly does break for those who refuse to follow Him (Matthew 23:37-39). 21:8, 22:15). Jacob and Esau are typological, they’re symbolic. I pray that believers who are seeking the correct understanding of this chapter might find the time to study this most important information. As J. Gresham Machen argued so eloquently in the last century, liberal Christianity has many appealing features, and much to commend it. Unfortunately, American churches of late have done little to equip people to think in those terms. In other words, they don’t appear wicked on the surface but they are wicked actually in their thoughts and in their hearts. You see, every story in Genesis is not only a story but a prophecy. He said creation will continue very good, as I created it, 04:29 as long as you abstain from eating from the tree; As long as you keep my commandment. It is the spirit of prophecy, which means that the end time remnant is going to keep the commandments of God, the ten commandments, and they are going to have the testimony of Jesus, which is the gift of prophecy, or the spirit of prophecy. Jesus employed the exact adjective ‘aionios’ to describe the duration of Hell as He did for Heaven. And this mysterious serpent is actually slandering God, which seems to be a discordant note in the context of every thing being created good, and created perfect. 5:9), but the gospel of peace is also a weapon of war (Eph. And then, of course, the Bible tells us that towards the end of the sixth day most likely God created man and woman. The only way that they could be absolutely certain was because they believed God’s story when He told them: “I was the Creator. First of all, we are told that He rested. Pointing this out more clearly, we can look at the mask mandates, as an example. On the church staff page there is a list that includes women pastors. Emergent Church guru Tony Jones, the former national coordinator of Emergent Village, has been holding the issue of homosexuality “in abeyance” because “homosexuality is one issue that I don’t want to get wrong.” On November 23 he came out with his personal view on this hotly debated topic. As we’ve studied before in this seminar, this verse is actually a pickup on Genesis 3:15. Bashir, sensing Bell’s duplicity, became irritated by Bell’s refusal to give him a straight answer, and then accused him of speaking out of both sides of his mouth. This is the third element that I want you to notice. Then in five years, if we have clarity, we’ll speak; if not, we’ll set another five years for ongoing reflection.” [6]. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. Let’s begin then at Hebrews chapter 11 and I would like to read verse 1 where we find the definition of faith. In other words, God is saying, I’m going to send a Seed to the world, and He’s going to do battle with you. And, of course, Adam and Eve failed the test. (Dan 4:17, 25, 32), For your dominion was given you from the Lord, and your sovereignty from the Most High; he will search out your works and inquire into your plans. Rob Bell is utterly and unconscionably careless with the scriptures on such an important subject as where the lost will ultimately spend eternity. Psalms 8:3-5 It says here… God placed Adam as king on planet Earth. • Wrong to use Romans 13 to support laws that are in opposition to the divine law
Now these individuals that are mentioned in Hebrews 11 are great heroes of faith. Now this was presented to Abraham in symbol form, as a shadow of the reality, which would come in the future. Go with me in your Bibles to the book of Jude… Jude 14 and 15. Bell would have his readers believe of the book of Revelation that “the letter does not end with blood and violence” (p.112). What right do we have to change the everlasting Gospel? Here, we see Bell’s real concern, he wants people to feel welcomed to his church. Well, the fact is that we don’t have to guess. One is the Greek preposition sun, s- u-n, which means just to be with someone. In other words, Revelation 12 connects with Genesis 3:15. “Sanctify them through thy truth”, Bible Prophecy Symbols: Prophecy is Cloaked in Symbols to Protect the Message, Shewbread & the Bread of Life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger. Now every king has a territory over which he rules, and the question is, over which territory did God create Adam to rule? But this aspect of the judgment that we have in our system of government actually is based on a divine principle that we find in scripture. We’re going to find in this story, however, that the devil had a very special plan in mind, taking into account that there was one language and one speech. And I find it very interesting that people choose all different kinds of reasons why they want to choose a particular church to attend. (For proof of this, visit the ex-gay website, PFOX). And basically this chapter is foundational for the lecture tonight and the lecture for tomorrow night. Because this verse has some very important information which will be useful in our study in understanding our study for this evening. The territory, the earth. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. Towards the end of the sixth day God makes man and woman and then at the end of the sixth day God looks upon his work and he sees that it is very good. And we want to begin our study at Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:9. Bell writes: “There are a growing number of us who have become acutely aware that Jesus’ story has been hijacked by a number of other stories, stories Jesus isn’t interested in telling…. He stated, “My experience has been a lot of Christians built whole dogmas about what happens when you die, and we have to be very careful we don’t build whole doctrines and dogmas on what is speculation.” To this, Bashir wisely responded, “You’re the one making speculation about the after life.”. Now let’s turn in our Bibles to 2 Peter 3, and I would like to begin at verse 3, 2 Peter 3:3. You have the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed. His name was Isaac. The title of our study today is, New Age or Ancient Lie? Now no Seed can come from this lineage. It says here: In it you shall do no work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates:… And then we have the reason why God gave this commandment. 05:27 in our last lecture, Adam began blaming God for giving him Eve, and Eve began blaming God and blaming the serpent. You remember that I mentioned in a previous lecture, the principle of historicism. God created him to live forever along with his descendents. Not only that, it’s a slap in the face to Christ to condone what He condemns! The only thing he didn’t lose was his life. Or should we fight it tooth and nail? is made to Stott, Essentials, op. It is not a modern concept of jurisprudence. It includes also the kingdom of human beings. McLaren wholeheartedly approves of the book, and yet in this book Alan Jones says that the vicarious atonement of Christ is not a vital doctrine. In fact Peter, probably, at this time was imprisoned, and he was about to be crucified with his head down, by his own request. Others actually believe that Melchizedek was another name for Shem the son of Noah. The seventh point that we want to deal with is where does man go when he dies? ” But when it comes to Enoch Enoch did not die. The church should be busy about its business of housecleaning, of getting the plank out of its own eye, of removing false teachers from within its doors, of properly articulating the doctrines of Christ for which so many Christians have shed their blood, instead of advocating feel-good, politically correct ideologies to please the bleating of goats. If someone who is in charge gives you what looks like a lawful order, then doesn’t Romans 13 require us to obey that order, and with no backchat? His heart is that all would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). Assurance of things we hope for. The belly of bronze represents the kingdom of Greece which ruled from the year 331 BC till the year 168 BC. Incredibly, it appeared far more as though Martin Bashir was the informed pastor, and Rob Bell the novice. In 2004, he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity Degree (honoris causa) from Carey Theological Seminary in Vancouver, BC, Canada.”1 He went on to found the Cedar Ridge Community Church.2 He is no longer the pastor there, having resigned his position in order to pursue his speaking schedule. On the fourth day we find that God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. The devil took over the territory of the earth. Kind of like with an automatic sprinkler system. “…the Emerging Church movement is characterized by a fair bit of protest against traditional evangelicalism and, more broadly, against all that it understands by modernism.”, “They [the emerging generations] are disillusioned with institutionalism and see the church itself as an obstacle to faith.”, “the Emerging Church is a place where people have felt the freedom to explore questions and experiment with new forms of lifestyle and corporate practice.”. But the testimony of Jesus; we need to take a look at what the Bible has to say about that. But we’re going to look at this from a different perspective in our study today. Very clearly, Abraham understood that God was going to do this, by a supernatural miracle. And as we read Genesis 11, we discover that human beings did exactly the opposite of what God had told them to do. In his effort to appeal to the masses with his watered down version of Hell and the Gospel, Bell became painfully aware that by blatantly admitting Universalism, he would be placing himself completely outside the pale of Christian orthodoxy and be considered a heretic. "We ought to obey Yahuwah rather than men." ” And in the third place, “created the heavens and the earth. John chapter 1 and verses 1-3. Jesus Christ was the Creator of Genesis 1. Now in our study today we’re going to notice that in the group, which is classified as the wicked, there are three different kinds of people, whereas on God’s side there is only one type of person. However, if they still end up in prison for some reason, they still can – on their own accord later – change their minds and the judge would freely let them out and even pay for an awesome vacation to the Bahamas or another island paradise! Far too many have a simplistic, even child-like, understanding of Romans 13. And so we find very clearly in this statement that Melchizedek was not Christ. The sixth point that we want to study is what is death, according to scripture? • No blind obedience to tyrannical powers
In fact, you know the interesting thing is that this is the only time between Revelation 3:21 and Revelation chapter 21 that Jesus clearly speaks in Revelation. It’s critically important. {TM 116.2} Since the same adjective ‘aionios’ modifies the duration of life and punishment in the very same verse, sound and unbiased exegesis must conclude that all those who go to Hell, as described by Jesus in 25:46, will suffer eternal punishment. As you heard from my prayer this morning, we are going to study the message that God has for us in 2 Peter 3. The gospel of Luke chapter 4. It says here in Genesis 1:31: Everything that God made at creation was good. His presentation is excellent and and he gives a true and faithful representation of the Word of God and this series of lectures on Matthew 24 is a must watch for all new Christians as well as those that might be a little lost and unsure of their faith what with all the lies and deceptions that the wicked one has presented to the children of God. Some downplay doctrine, reinterpret creeds, and de-emphasize tradition, while others hold to them. Now I want you to notice also as we review what we studied in our last lecture, that man did not do any work in order to exist. From chapter 3 to chapter 37, God’s only answer is absolute silence. But there are four points that I want to underline as we begin our study. In other words, God inhabits a certain place, a certain location, which in this verse is called heaven. And, of course, the struggle between Jacob and Esau represents the final struggle in controversy between those people with those two character manifestations: the righteous, and the wicked. And so we find very clearly revealed here that Adam was created to be a king. Billions of people enslaved. Hundreds of millions of people murdered. And so we’re left with the question and of course in Genesis chapter 2 God is going to recapitulate, in other words, he’s going to repeat some of the things that he left unsaid in Genesis chapter 1. In this section, the first word is a call, motivated by God’s mercy, to refuse to conform to the power politics of the world (“Do not be conformed to this world,” 12:2). He was being exposed before a national audience. As we look at scripture it becomes very evident that the relationship between God the Father and His Son Jesus is a pattern of the relationship which should exist between husbands and wives. 02:18 Sodom and Gomorrah also is an illustration of events which will take place at the very end of time. The springs of water if you please on the second day. Genesis 1:31. So if this is the only verse where Jesus explicitly speaks between Revelation 3:21 and Revelation chapter 21, it must be a very important verse. Now there’s a third characteristic that this end time remnant is going to have, and that characteristic is found in Revelation 14:12, Revelation 14:12. Finally, in chapter 38. Believers have long stood as a bulwark against the encroachments of evil, therefore the devil has sought a way to beguile them into remaining passive in the face of wrong; at the same time he twists and justifies their inaction to them, as obedience to Yah. The primary gist of Romans 13 isn’t to quell political dissent, but to promote godly living. In America, our greatest authority is not a man, nor even an elected official, it is the Constitution. 04:48 Was it simple? This is towards the very end of the sixth day. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. And so we find in Genesis 4:25 that God gave Adam and Eve another seed. Bell claims that by softening the message, the Gospel will become more attractive to non-believers. Perhaps I am being overly critical here, and perhaps they did not mean to include such sinfulness in their statement, but it is not well thought out. And he goes to make war with the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. ” And so faith gives us assurance of the things that have not taken place yet. That notion, of course, came directly from the lips of our beloved Lord Jesus himself: “Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. The blessing. It was Satan. And so three elements we find of God’s original plan for man: 1. Somehow they miss the urgency. To do anything less is to betray the one true God who sent His only begotten Son to save us. And this is where I want to pick up our reading in Genesis 28:10. But it is a way of thinking and living that is sorely lacking today. I’d like to begin our study today by turning to that very central and important verse, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 3:15. His academic interests included Medieval drama, Romantic poets, modern philosophical literature, and the novels of Dr. Walker Percy. No, this does not mean that every politician must be born again. It’s actually found in 1 Samuel chapter 17. We are commanded to present the Gospel to a lost and dying world and to preach and teach God’s Word off the very pages of Holy Scripture. As you know, Jacob was deceived into marrying Leah. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God\’s word. In the Old Testament period before Jesus is born. And so we have, in chapter 3, the last written words from the apostle Peter shortly before his death. Duty to stand for truth, a sacred obligation to resist evil in all its forms temptation, to... Governmental laws in opposition to the point, Bell tells us that Leah Jacob... Time, after time, after time, after time, after time in the Old period! Even close. ” [ 7 ] not Christ, but in our lecture today we are to. A crash course in Romans 13 isn ’ t have to say it again, they conglomerated,. It right against his holy law remaining loyal to Yahuwah a quick look at these laws. Reject him go to this world had a New king for those who feel that will! 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