The young Longneck tries to run but gets caught on a vine. Sharptooth - Land Before Time. Jenner | In a final act of rage and desperation, Sharptooth takes Petrie down with him as he plunges into the lake and sinks to the bottom to his watery grave. Land Before Time: The Sharptooth's Tale. His relationship with Littlefoot is particularly hostile, as he despises him for (although inadvertently) blinding his eye with a thorn. The Mask of Zorro: Don Rafael Montero | Harrison Love Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. ; Adaptation Distillation: It turns out that the "Biggest, Meanest Sharptooth of them all," fought by "The Lone Dinosaur" was The Sharptooth. The Land Before Time: Journey of the Brave (also known as The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave) is a 2016 direct-to-video animated feature and the fourteenth film in The Land Before Time series. A fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex with a taste for blood (that resulted in the death of Littlefoot's mother) is the main antagonist in Don Bluth's epic prehistoric times animated feature. A "Plated Sharptooth" appears in The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island. Sharptooth appears to possess a near (if not outright) supernatural level of strength, durability, and athleticism, even for a Tyrannosaurus, as shown by him crawling through sharp thorns after Littlefoot and Cera with hardly a scratch, withstanding multiple blows to the face from Littlefoot's Mother, slamming his head through solid rock with no apparent ill effects, and surviving a long drop into the canyon opened up by the earthquake. Disc: I sadly do not own the Land Before Time or anything of the sort. He serves as the main villain in the show. Chief McBrusque | Pinky | Like all other Land Before Time movies, it is traditionally-animated. The film will bedirected byDavis Doi.Like all otherLand Before Timemovies, it is traditionally-animated. Serpent | Bartok | One appears in The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze wandering around the landscape during a blizzard. Disc: I sadly do not own the Land Before Time or anything of the sort. Cactus Cat Gang (T.R. Even after they escape through the narrow pathway, he continues to claw and snap at them with rage. It is shown in the book that Sharptooth does not forget grudges he holds against others; it is explained that after he spots the main characters for the second time, he immediately recognizes them and makes a thunderous noise towards them in about of hatred. Illumination Villains | However, the Flyer manages to surface and fly back to his friends, and they all rejoice. Drej | Duel: Truck Driver Sharptooth was the first of his kind to appear in, As the characters call him "Sharptooth" instead of a Sharptooth, and. Zhong | Animated Features The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Peter Ludlow | Dieter Stark Me? Queen Gnorga | Jurassic Park: John Hammond | Dennis Nedry | Ed Regis | Lewis Dodgson A page for describing NightmareFuel: Land Before Time. Borf | Sharptooth, who is probably hungry, chases them into a thicket of thorns. The next day, Cera is humiliated and left the group after they escaped a volcanic region she herself lead them into. He lives in the Mysterious Beyond, particularly in a desert-shrubland area. He is most notable for killing Littlefoot's mother, having only one good eye, and surviving multiple deadly situations. How to Draw Chomper from The Land Before Time . Not sure how many of you know this, but I'm a supporter in the idea that Redclaw and Sharptooth are one and the same dinosaur. Littlefoot, guessing that Sharptooth can't swim, comes up with a plan to get rid of him for good. Empire of the Sun: Emperor Hirohito | Sergeant Nagata As Sharptooth nears him, he escapes and the thorn-covered vines snap back at Sharptooth's face, severely injuring his right eye and causing him to bellow out in pain. Madame Mousey | The Land Before Time: Journey to Sharptooth Mountain (also known as The Land Before Time XV: Journey to Sharptooth Mountain) is an upcoming official direct-to-video animated family adventure feature film and the fifteenth film in The Land Before Time series.The film will be directed by Davis Doi. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Walter Donovan | Nazi Party (Elsa Schneider, Ernst Vogel & Adolf Hitler) | Panama Hat | Garth Saving Private Ryan: Steamboat Willie Hey, Land Before Time fans! 1 | Full Name The Legend of Zorro: Count Armand | Jacob McGivens Raiders of the Lost Ark: René Belloq | Nazi Party (Major Arnold Ernst Toht, Herman Dietrich, Gobler, German Mechanic & Otto) | Satipo | Barranca ", Cera: "Oh come on, that was just a lucky hit, flathead!". He is an Apatosaurus, but is called a longneck in the films.. Littlefoot is the central character of the film, The Land Before Time and its sequels. Dragon | Later, after falling into the big underground herself, Cera finds Sharptooth's apparently dead body. Ha ha ha! Sharptooth is an evil Tyrannosaurus Rex from The Land Before Time. An audio glitch occurs when Sharptooth's eye is put out by the thorn, as Cera's scream can be heard from him. Step 3. Land Before Time Retold includes examples of the following tropes:. Moderator:Photobucket obliterators. An American Tail: Fievel Goes West: Cat R. Waul | Cactus Cat Gang (T.R. Nuk, Yak & Sumac | This is most likely a mistake on the animator's part. He is Screech and Thud's leader and boss. Red Claw, voiced by Pete Sepenuk, is a character in the The Land Before Time (TV series) He is a Tyrannosaurus, one of many creatures in the series referred to as a " Sharptooth " by the characters. Eventually, the menace succeeds in jumping onto the large Longneck's back and tears off some of her flesh. He holds this belief until, one morning, the fearsome beast himself ambushes the gang (by then including a Spiketail named Spike). Professor Screweyes | The Morning. None Steele | Crimes Carface Carruthers | War of the Worlds: Martians Evil-doer Rated: PG-13 for blood, violence, sick thoughts, and mild language. Sharptooth! Cat R. Waul | The Land Before Time: The Illustrated Story states that he is "the most ferocious and deadly creature in all the land".The scene where Sharptooth's eye is poked by the thorn was originally much more graphic; scenes from a chase scene, including one where the main characters are trapped underneath him, were also cut. > Land Before Time > Sharptooth's eye incident. But you can clearly see Sharptooth with his eye closed as he looks for Littlefoot and Cera before it is injured. As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile "heroic" attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. Originally, Sharptooth was going to have more scenes throughout the film chasing after Littlefoot and his friends. Check this video out. Step 1. Action Girl: Aylene, due to being able to hold her ground against numerous predators throughout her and her friends' adventures armed only with her bow and arrows. Ducky123's fic),">
The Land Before Time > Land Before Time TV Series (2007) > Redclaw and Sharptooth. Well, you should be. Minority Report: Lamar Burgess The locale is near a dramatically large cliff and both retain the experiences of their previous movies and such. This is most likely a mistake on the animator's part. Frightened? Red Claw and his two Fast Biter minions, Screech and Thud, have currently only appeared in the TV series. Rated: PG-13 for blood, violence, sick thoughts, and mild language. The Land Before Time is a 1988 animated film directed by Don Bluth, executive-produced by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. When the movie was first screened in April/May 1988, six months before completion of the film, it seems that it wasn't yet scored, since there are a number of scenes that simply don't fit into the music (such as the extended Sharptooth attack scene and the Oasis scene). He is also the archenemy of Littlefoot and his friends. The Star Day Celebration 3. Schindler's List: Amon Goeth Ludmilla | Well, this is the Sharptooth we're talking about! Main article: SharptoothIn the first entry of the Land Before Time series, there was one particular Sharptooth, a male Tyrannosaurus rex, who served as the main antagonist of the film. Fabrication Machine | Triceratops: Come on! Land Before Time Sharptooth Shadow T-Shirt Officially Licensed Land Before Time Apparel; 19NVLT00002A-001; Klassisch geschnitten, doppelt genähter Saum. Mott Street Maulers (Digit) | Shortly afterwards, she meets up with Littlefoot and his new friends, Ducky, a Bigmouth, and Petrie, a Flyer. The Sharptooth. It is stated in the book that he wants revenge on the children for the trouble they've caused him. Super 8: Colonel Nelec | Cooper Why are you so frightened? His sound effects are voiced by Frank Welker. He is known as the most persistent, agile, and dangerous sharptooth in the entire franchise. It doesn't help that it's a Expy of the Liopleurodon from BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs, and that it boasts probably the most accurate design of any of the Land Before Time creatures. Chula, One-Eye & Sweet William) | Ready Player One: Nolan Sorrento | Innovative Online Industries (I-R0k, F’Nale Zandor & Sixers), Eat Littlefoot and his friends to get revenge for the scar on his eye. Around six months before completion of the film, numerous scenes were toned down or removed, many due to being deemed either too frightening or too difficult for children to understand, many of which were in color, with sound. He also slashes her neck as well. Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike happen to see Sharptooth nearby while they are swimming in a deep lake. This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Moderator:Photobucket obliterators. Ooh! Jaws: Great White Shark Narrator: Once upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, long before you... before the ape and the elephant as well... before the wolf, the bison, the whale... before the mammoth and the mastodon... in the time of the dinosaurs. It's easy being who you are, but not easy to make others THINK you're being yourself. However, the book that was sold along with the original movie gives more insight on his actual thoughts. Vengeful Predator, Long tailStrengthSpeedHunting skillsDurability. Sharptooth first appears when he approaches Littlefoot and Cera, who are playing together in a swamp. JIAYINZ Gravity Falls Bill Cipher KingDeng Interesting Men T-Shirt Machine wash - Cold (30° max) Collar Style: Crew Neck; Regular ; 100% Cotton; I Was Social Distancing Before It Was Cool I Quarantäne T-Shirt Quarantäne Geschenk mit … I was growing savage by the minute. As Sharptooth nears him, he escapes and the thorn-covered vine… The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn: Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine | Allan | Tom | Pedro | Falcon | Aristides Silk | Red Rackham Occupation Nope, nope. Sharptooth has a red and a yellow eye. As he pushed himself up from the ground after a nights sleep, the great circle was beginning to rise and its rays were already peaking over the mountains. Br'er Wolf | He stretched his legs out, working out the stiffness in his muscles. Chomper: Hey, my elder brother. He serves as the main villain in the show. Chief McBrusque | The Cave of Many Voices 2. Rinkus and Sierra | The Land Before Time:Journey to Sharptooth Mountain(also known asThe Land Before Time XV:Journey to Sharptooth Mountain)is an upcoming official direct-to-video animated family adventure featurefilm and the fifteenth film in The Land Before Time series. Sharptooth | Sharp teeth and clawsLong tailStrengthSpeedHunting skillsDurability Twitch | Drake | Junior Bloomsberry | One appears in The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze wandering around the landscape during a blizzard. Share. Don Bluth's 1988 animated feature film The Land Before Time underwent a severe cutting and editing of footage. Me? Ducky, LBT 1, The astonishing journey to the Land of many Wonders (aka. Gunther, Other Animated Movies Woody Woodpecker Villains, Animated Features He was first seen when Littlefoot and Cera are playing in the water, he appeared trying to eat them. It is evident that he will continue fighting even when it is obviously hopeless, snapping at the children even when his head is trapped in a small tunnel and they are far out of reach. Hook: James Hook | Mr. Smee How to Draw Ruby from The Land Before Time The Land Before Time: The Sharptooth. Twilight Zone: The Movie: Gremlin "Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back!" The BFG: Fleshlumpeater | Giants (Bloodbottler & Bonecruncher) Sharptooth looked about with his good eye before letting loose a powerful roar of his own. Norvirus Raccoon | MurderChild abuse Step 5. Sharptooth has four scenes in the film. Film Lasik surgery was much harder many years ago. Danno Wolfe, See Also Narrator: Dinosaurs were of two kinds-- Some had flat teeth and ate the leaves of trees. He plods through the thorns after them and leans down through the thorns to catch Littlefoot. Date. the Extra-Terrestrial: Keys When t… Mr. Mole | Mrs. Toad | NIMH | Share with: Link: Copy link. Share. King Llort | Sharptooth is the main antagonist in The Land Before Time. Pterano | He is also shown to be capable of massive leaps, even jumping straight up into the air onto a cliff at the film's climax, as well as apparently being able to see just fine despite having only one good eye. I met the sharptooth! Sharptooth makes an impressive leap, covering dozens of meters. Come on, Cera. Hunch | The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire (PrinceBalto Style V2) The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze (PrinceBalto Style) The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water (PrinceBalto Style) The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration (PrinceBalto Style) The Land Before Time XI: Invastion of the Tinysauruses (PrinceBalto Style) Step 4. His true name is never revealed; the name given by the characters, 'Sharptooth', refers to the name ofhis species, and in production art, he is simply labelled "Tyrannosaurus Rex". You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. Being that the pair of them are completely insane killers, they naturally start to fight. It seems that Littlefoot is the master of booby traps. Warren T. Rat | Moe | Scuttlebutt | Sharptooth of Universal's Land Before Time!" Sharptooth is the main villain from the original Land Before Time movie. I don't think Visine will help you now... "If you're going to pick your nose, don't do it with your thumb. The young Longneck tries to run but gets caught on a vine. Sharptooth is the main antagonist in The Land Before Time. Ha ha ha! He doesn't stop trying when he is in extreme danger, as he tries to crush Littlefoot and Cera while falling to his apparent doom in the Great Earthshake, and pulls Petrie down with him in his last moments, plummeting into a lake. October 13, 2017. I trudge down the swamps of the barren … It is the first installment in the franchise to be released since 2007's The Wisdom of Friends.The film was directed by Davis Doi and written by Cliff Ruby and Elana Lesser. Sharptooth Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His left eye blinked in the bright sunlight. The Gang of Five | The Land Before Time > Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > Caption This! Currently, it is still a work in progress. Step 8. Sharptooth first appears when he approaches Littlefoot and Cera, who are playing together in a swamp. It is the first of a franchise. Hyp | Horned Sharptooth is the main antagonist in The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave,as the third and final antagonist of the film, after the two Featherhead Sharpteeth. Ozzy & Strut | The Land Before Time is a 1988 theatrical animated film, directed by Don Bluth (with production based around his Ireland-based studio), and executive-produced by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.Originally released by Universal Studios and Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment, it features anthropomorphic dinosaurs living in a somewhat fantasy-based version of prehistoric earth. Scene from the Land Before Time. Mother dies later that night, due! He stretched his legs out, working out the stiffness in his muscles villain was proposed and approved by Wiki... 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