1. any of numerous small dipterous insects of the family Tephritidae, the larvae of which feed on the fruit of various plants. Heath RR, Epsky ND, Guzman A, Dueben B, Manukian A, Meyer WL, 1995. [Distribution map]. Male terminalia: lateral surstylus moderately long, in posterior view slightly tapered, somewhat truncate apically. and immature stages of the Fuller The ring pattern around the button helps Surface Caterpillars Fruit infesting tephritids (Dipt. Univ. (1995) described dry traps for use with synthetic lures. Van Whervin L W, 1966. Specific quarantine requirements. from dark brown to pale gray, depending on cultivar and The front portion of the body is tan and the rear portion is black. Morphology of the immature stages of Anastrepha ludens (Diptera; Tephritidae). Toxicity of an isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies darmstadiensis to adults of the Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the laboratory. Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine in the McCook Area of Hidalgo County, Texas., USA: North American Plant Protection Organization. Forktailed bush katydid Egg: 1.37-1.60 mm long, greatest width 0.18-0.21 mm. on bark, around sprinklers, or by inspecting under trunk Accessibility In another area of Mexico, Gonzalez-Hernandez and Tejada (1979) found that Doryctobracon crawfordi was the most abundant parasitoid from 1954-1959. The third stage larva of A. ludens can usually be distinguished using the key by Steck et al. are the most serious fruit fly pests in the tropical Americas (Norrbom and Foote, 1989), with the possible exception of the introduced Ceratitis capitata (CABI/EPPO, 1998). (Diptera: Tephritidae) in México. Report to agricultural officials any suspected finding Many different attractants have been developed including fermented corn extract (Lee et al., 1997), host-fruit volatiles (Robacker and Heath, 1996), pheromones (Landolt and Heath, 1996), Staphylococcus aureus odour (Robacker and Flath, 1995) and corn hydrolysate (Heath et al., 1994). any findings of the exotic diaprepes root weevil. A Review of Studies on the Mexican Fruitfly and related Mexican Species. Cutworm injury typically forms a meandering pattern, Phytosanitary Alert System: Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens - regulated area established in Willacy County, Texas. Treatment manual. In: Robinson AS, Hooper G, eds. and gouged fruit, their Hedström I, Jirón LF, 1985. fruit are small. Broad mite, peach silver mite, twospotted mite, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Anal area: lobes large, protuberant, usually distinctly bifid; surrounded by three to four discontinuous rows of small spinules. Wallingford, UK: CABI, 146-152. White, spindle-shaped, broad anteriorly, tapering posteriorly; micropyle slightly to one side of apex of anterior pole; faint reticulation near micropyle consisting primarily of irregular pentagons and hexagons, these becoming very faint and elongated in the posterior portion of the egg; distinct openings into chorion at vertices of polygons in anterior end (from Carroll and Wharton, 1989). Citrus thrips scarring DOI:10.1590/S1519-566X2003000300002. Female fruit flies lay their eggs in ripening fruit. Genetic structure of populations of Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Mexico. Phallus 5.2-6.1 mm long; ratio to mesonotum length 1.51-1.84. 73:125-140, Malo, E. A., Zapien, G. I., 1994. Agricultural Handbook, United States Department of Agriculture, 480:320-335. Plummer, C. C., Mcphail, M., 1941. 41:49-60. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. > 0°C, dry summers, Cw - Warm temperate climate with dry winter, Warm temperate climate with dry winter (Warm average temp. Pest fruit flies of the world - larvae. Aluja M, Guillen J, Liedo P, Cabrera M, Rios E, Rosa G de la, Celedonio H, Mota D, 1990. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Department of Primary Industries, 115-128. EPPO Bulletin, 13(1). Parasitoids of the mediterranean and oriental fruit flies were imported from Hawaii, USA, in 1954-59, but only Biosteres longicaudatus and Aceratoneuromyia indica became established. in groups. World Crop Pests, 3(A). Divert pests with poisoned border plants, baits or lures. Florida Entomologist, 90(1), 19-26. doi: 10.1653/0015-4040(2007)90[19:SCACBM]2.0.CO;2. New wild host of Anastrepha ludens in Northeastern Mexico. discoloring on the rind (left in photo) occurs when high Host plants of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of economic importance in Guatemala. Molina-Nery, M. C., Ruiz-Montoya, L., Zepeda-Cisneros, C. S., Liedo, P., 2014. Report to agricultural officials any findings of tephritid fruit Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. 97 (3), 1123-1130. Journal of Economic Entomology. Non-morphological methods for fruit fly diagnosis are being investigated, but few species have so far been compared. sometimes at multiple locations on a fruit. Stone A, 1942. UK, CAB International, 1958. 82 (2), 201-214. Identification tip: Where snails chewed leaves Fruit flies; Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 47(1), 73-80. doi: 10.1007/BF00186718, Birke, A., Aluja, M., 2011. (1997) found that heating in a controlled atmosphere was more effective. 100 (4), 1153-1159. Head: stomal sensory organ large, rounded, with five small sensilla; 11-17 oral ridges with margins entire or slightly undulant; accessory plates small; mandible moderately sclerotised, with a large slender curved apical tooth. 1008. 71 (2), 130-137. I. Molasses and torula yeast. Nondiscrimination Statement. Adult females ovipositing on citrus fruit skin. USDA, 1994. in toward the trunk. 256), 1-351. Robacker DC, Flath RA, 1995. In comparison with scarring EPPO Technical Documents, No. Florida Entomologist, 80(3):324-328; 11 ref. Morbidity of the pupal stage of the Mexican and West Indian fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) induced by hot-water immersion in the larval stage. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');ga('create', 'UA-46953310-1', 'auto');ga('require', 'displayfeatures');ga('send', 'pageview'); Journal of Economic Entomology. Paris, France: EPPO. Tolerance of grapefruit and Mexican fruit fly larvae to heated controlled atmospheres. I. Anastrepha ludens (Mexican fruit fly) and Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Carroll and Wharton (1989) provided a detailed description of the egg, larva (all three instars) and puparium. Carlson DA, Yocom SR, 1986. Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report. Host plants of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of economic importance in Guatemala. 89. Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS removes a quarantine in the McCook Area of Hidalgo County, Texas., USA: North American Plant Protection Organization. Fruit Flies; their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. or other debris on soil provides pest shelter. DOI:10.1093/jee/tow169. Identification. any weevils found in citrus. Houston W W K, 1981. Identification tip: Larvae of a tiny moth cause Phytosanitary Alert System: Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens, eradicated in Texas, US. Capture of Anastrepha species (Diptera: Tephritidae) with multilure traps and biolure attractants in Guatemala. injury to spring bloom and the resulting fruit. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agricolas, Mexico: Technical Report 1978. Fruit-fly survey in the West Indies, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, and Peru. A new species of Anastrepha from Colombia related to Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). discolor rinds. The Mexican fruit fly is native to southern and central Mexico. Déctor N, Malo E A, Rojas J C, Liedo P, 2016. The following diagnostic description of the third-instar is based on Carroll and Wharton (1989) and White and Elson-Harris (1992). Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label. Glans with basolateral membranous lobe, mostly membranous medially, with isolated, T-shaped apical sclerite. (1990) or the interactive key by Carroll et al. 286-293. Washington, D.C., 155 pp. Journal of Economic Entomology. Miscellaneous Publications. fruit fly are among the tephritid flies periodically introduced and eradicated The Mexican Fruit Fly (Anastrepha ludens) is a serious pest to various fruits, particularly citrus and mango. Florida Entomologist, 93(4):633-634. http://www.fcla.edu/FlaEnt/. Ecology; movements of tephritid fruit flies. Diptera Data Dissemination Disk (CD-ROM) 2. New host plant and distribution records in Mexico for Anastrepha spp., Toxotrypana curvicauda Gerstacker, Rhagoletis zoqui Bush, Rhagoletis sp., and Hexachaeta sp. have a very characteristic wing pattern; the apical half of the wing has two inverted 'V'-shaped markings, one fitting within the other; and a stripe along the forward edge of the wing that runs from near the wing base to about half-way along the wing length. xii + 571 pp. For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page. Identification tip: Armored scale feeding can Journal of Economic Entomology, 29(2):440-445 pp. mites or spider mites that (Diptera, Tephritidae), pests of fruit trees in tropical America. Gonzalez-Hernandez A, Tejada LO, 1979. Damage is most prevalent on young trees with trunk wraps, Identification tip: Irregularly shaped chewing on small fruit can Less often omnivorous leafroller, orange 1-112. If U.S. DOI:10.1093/jee/tov082, Rull J, Diaz-Fleischer F, Arredondo J, 2007. pale, waxy material on fruit, leaves, or twigs. Area bordering scutoscutellar suture medially usually with irregular dark-brown spot. Pest Alert: Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Tephritidae)., USA: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry Citrus mealybug waxiness Distorted It is considered an A1 quarantine pest by EPPO. A survey on the occurrence and flight periods of fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) in a fruit growing area in southwest Nicaragua, 1994/95. (Diptera, Tephritidae), pests of fruit trees in tropical America. Journal of Economic Entomology. and mango (Mangifera indica) are the most important introduced hosts (Hernandez-Ortiz, 1992). This injury occurred when a nymph chewed the small, immature DOI:10.1653/024.097.0319. oviposition scars on the surface when they lay eggs that hatch into pale maggots Anastrepha ludens. It is invasive at least in Panama and has been trapped in California, USA. Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California Monographs of the Diptera of North America, pt. Snail damage is heaviest Bateman MA, 1982. scar only a single spot. Larval feeding substrate and species significantly influence the effect of a juvenile hormone analog on sexual development/performance in four tropical tephritid flies. Southwestern Entomologist, 15(3):327-331, Bush, G. L., 1962. Florida Entomologist, 75(2):230-241. of large moths, including, California orangedog, citrus In: Rosen D, Bennett FD, Capinera JL, eds. There is also a risk from the transport of puparia in soil or packaging with plants that have already fruited. Natural host plant survey of the economically important fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of Chiapas, Mexico. Mexican Fruit Fly (Anastrepha ludens) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas., https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/mexican-fruit-fly-anastrepha-ludens-removal-quarantine-area-weslaco-hidalgo, NAPPO, 2015. Agricultura Técnica en México, 35(3), 323-331. Wharton RH, 1989. produce silk webbing. A. ludens has a broad host range and is a major pest, especially of citrus and mango (Mangifera indica) in most parts of its range. Jirón LF, Soto-Manitiu J, Norrbom AL, 1988. Southwestern Entomologist, 38(1), 85-97. doi: 10.3958/059.038.0109, Hernández, E., Aceituno-Medina, M., Toledo, J., Gómez-Simuta, Y., Villarreal-Fuentes, J. M., Carrasco, M., Liedo, P., Hallman, G. J., Montoya, P., 2018. A new species of Anastrepha from Colombia related to Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). The adults of A. ludens are unlikely to be confused with those of any of the other species of Anastrepha occurring within its range, except perhaps Anastrepha distincta, which has considerably shorter male and female terminalia. generally not circular like katydid, can be caused by larvae of several species Ithaca, USA: Comstock Publishing Associates. We are asking residents living or working within Mexican fruit fly quarantine areas to … Progress 05/01/05 to 04/30/10 Outputs Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objective of this cooperative research project is to develop and test an alternative formulation of the commercial fruit fly bait GF-120. Norrbom AL, Foote RH, 1989. EPPO, 2014. Control; insecticides; insecticidal bait and cover sprays. Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS removes a quarantine in the Bayview area of Cameron County, Texas., USA: North American Plant Protection Organization. Consignments of fruits of Citrus spp., Malus spp., mango (Mangifera indica) and guava (Psidium guajava) from countries where the pest occurs should be inspected for symptoms of infestation and those suspected should be cut open in order to look for larvae. Thomas (1993) found that Peromyscus spp. In: Quarantine Pests for Europe. Mexican fruit fly represents a particular threat to Florida because of its special affinity for grapefruit, of which Florida is one of the world's leading produc… Adults are about 1/8 inch long and usually have red eyes. Control of A. ludens using Bacillus thuringiensis has been tested in the laboratory (Martinez et al., 1997) and found to cause up to 90% adult mortality. can fly as far as 135 km (Fletcher, 1989) and therefore natural movement is an important means of spread.In international trade, the major means of dispersal to previously uninfested areas is the transport of fruit containing live larvae. This invasive fruit fly does not harm humans or animals but it poses a serious threat to the Texas citrus industry. The pest left its mark on more than 4,000 acres of orchards across the Rio Grande Valley. Fruit Flies; Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. The Mexican fruit fly is called a “quarantine pest” because it has multiple hosts and is regulated due to its potential to damage fruit, Alabi said. 107 (1), 375-388. Citrus > Year-Round IPM Program > Bloom > Invertebrate Smith IM McNamara DG Scott PR Holderness M, 1997. or wind scars and other fruit diseases and disorders. 32 (3), 385-397. Distribution that feed inside fruit. The Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens, causes extensive damage to important agricultural commodities wherever it is found.Any effort to control or limit the damage caused by this pest requires a thorough understanding of the genetic makeup of the populations found in a particular area. USA: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry
if they should ever occur in those areas. tortrix, and (in Southern California only) pink Its natural distribution includes the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, where populations routinely attain pest status if control measures are not practiced. Vein R2+3 nearly straight. Chemical methods for suppression or eradication of fruit fly populations, In: Drew RAI, Hooper GHS, Bateman MA eds. https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/anastrepha-ludens-mexican-fruit-fly-aphis-establishes-quarantine-mccook-area, NAPPO, 2016h. Bud mite Attractants from Staphylococcus aureus cultures for Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens. Damage The damage to crops caused by Medfly result from 1) oviposition in fruit … Mexico. Quarantine pests for Europe. Florida Entomologist, 87(4), 603-608. doi: 10.1653/0015-4040(2004)087[0603:HPAAHF]2.0.CO;2. World Crop Pests 3(B). Citrus bud mite on lemon Florida Entomologist, 70(1), 116-123. doi: 10.2307/3495098. Mona, Jamaica. Misc. Several species from South America, such as Anastrepha manizaliensis and Anastrepha schultzi are more difficult to distinguish from A. ludens (Norrbom et al., 2005). Precision Agriculture. https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/anastrepha-ludens-mexican-fruit-fly-establishment-quarantine-areas-rangerville, NAPPO, 2016. Morphology of the immature stages of Anastrepha ludens (Diptera; Tephritidae). Thomas DB, 1993. Folia Entomologica Mexicana, No. Heppner JB, 1984. larvae of fruit flies. Bull. Monitor your pests again and re-evaluate your strategies. Mangan R L, 2003. (2004). 7 (2), 13-22. Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region, 2nd edition. Plants of host species transported with roots from countries where A. ludens occurs should be free from soil, or the soil should be treated against puparia, and should not carry fruits. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, xviii + 768 pp. Pupariation is in the soil under the host plant and the adults emerge after 15-19 days (longer in cool conditions); the adults occur throughout the year (Christenson and Foote, 1960). Southwestern Entomologist, 20(1):61-71, Thomas DB, Mangan RL, 1995. Florida Entomologist, 97(3), 1123-1130. doi: 10.1653/024.097.0319. winding tunnels by feeding just under the top layer of Delmi M, Morán S, Núñez F, Granados G, 1996. Aculeus length, Annona liebmanniana (hardshell custard-apple), http://www.eppo.int/DATABASES/pqr/pqr.htm, http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=385&keyword=anastrepha%20ludens, http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=511&keyword=anastrepha%20ludens, http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=548, http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=565, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. omnivorous leafroller, and orange tortrix) also can chew older fruit. 11, (no. Discoloring or shallow scarring of the rind, Surface fouling of the rind, which can be III. Vein M strongly curved apically. Potato leafhopper damage http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=385&keyword=anastrepha%20ludens, NAPPO, 2012. Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region. First is direct injury done to the plant by the feeding insect, which eats leaves or burrows in stems, fruit, or roots. maturity of fruit infested by rust mite (also called silver Report suspected new pests to agricultural officials. Kisliuk M, Cooley DE, 1933. The adult lays its egg inside … Fluctuations in numbers and the significance of the sex ratio of the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens caught in McPhail traps. Ceratitis capitata. chewing pests (such as earwigs and katydids) damage only young fruit, but damage For a positive identification, the females should be dissected to check the aculeus dimensions and shape carefully. The USDA is taking steps to prevent the Mexican fruit fly from doing too much damage. http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=511&keyword=anastrepha%20ludens, NAPPO, 2013. DOI:10.1007/s11119-016-9493-2, Allen Norrbom, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, c/o National Museum of Natural History, MRC 168, PO Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA. 87 (4), 405-412. on lower canopy fruit of trees that are not skirt-pruned, and where leaf litter Variacion temporal de la araneofauna en frutales de la region del Cabo, Baja California Sur Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist, 40(2), 435-437. http://www.bioone.org/loi/swen. Identification tip: Bleached, pale, or silverish Florida Entomologist, 70(2):225-233. In: Drew RAI, Hooper GHS, Bateman MA, eds. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 601 pp. LIFE CYCLES Fruit fly development (life cycle) is dependent on temperature. Field evaluation of attractants in the capture of Anastrepha spp. Déctor, N., Malo, E. A., Rojas, J. C., Liedo, P., 2016. See vinegar fly. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual solutions to specific pest problems. Look for the orange to brown, roundish In 1997, after the US and Mexico joined together in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the ban was partially lifted - but only in a limited number of US states during half the year. Each year, the pest enters the Lower Rio Grande Valley’s 27,000 acres of commercial citrus crops from south of the border and attacks more than 40 different kinds of fruits. https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/anastrepha-ludens-mexican-fruit-fly-aphis-removes-quarantine-rio-hondo-area, NAPPO, 2016k. Aculeus length 3.35-5.75 mm; tip 0.32-0.40 mm long, 0.12-0.14 mm wide, gradually tapering, but with slight medial constriction, distal half or less serrate. Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - Quarantined Area in Webb County, Texas - United States., https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-reports?keyword=Anastrepha%20ludens&oprID=262, NAPPO, 2009. Control can be considerably aided by good cultural practices, for example, by gathering all fallen and infected host fruits and destroying them. The damage caused by this larval feeding means that true fruit flies are trouble for fruit growers. Set 6. Wing: 7-9 mm long. Some leaf chewing is (1995) and Heath et al. Lee ChangJoo, DeMilo AL, Moreno DS, Mangan RL, 1997. Spiracular hairs short (about one-third to one-fifth the length of the spiracular slit), often branched in the apical third; dorsal and ventral bundles of 6-13 hairs, lateral bundles of four to seven hairs. Especies de Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) en el Estado de Nuevo Leon, Mexico. In the event of a quarantine, some of the commodities affected include: Guava, cherimoya, passionfruit, coffee, and many other subtropical fruits; Report to agricultural officials Upon emerging, the tiny larvae continue to feed near the surface of the fermenting mass. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 79(2):153-159; 20 ref. Surface fouling of the rind, which can be Identification tip: Citrus mealybugs usually Class Insecta. THE FRUIT FLIES OR TEPHRITIDAE OF CALIFORNIA. Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa. Subscutellum dark-brown laterally; brown mark often extending onto lateral part of mediotergite. damage occur in buds during the fall and winter, causing Identification tip: Katydid nymph feeding on Bait sprays work on the principle that both male and female tephritids are strongly attracted to a protein source from which ammonia emanates. The Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens(Loew), is a very serious pest of various fruits, particularly citrus and mango, in Mexico and Central America. Such plants may indeed be prohibited from importation. Methods for identification of Anastrepha larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae), and key to 13 species. Female terminalia: oviscape straight, 3.4-6.3 mm long; ratio to mesonotum length 1.10-1.55. (1990) or the interactive key by Carroll et al. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia, 31(1):67-70. Inexpensive traps for use in mass trapping Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae). Several species of mealybug produce In: Taxonomfa, distribución y sus plantas huéspedes, Xalapa, Mexico: Instituto de Ecologfa. Baker et al. The SIT has been applied to exclude the Mexican fruit fly ( A. ludens ) from California and Texas, to suppress the Caribbean fruit fly ( A. suspensa ) in Florida, and to eradicate Mexican fruit fly and the West Indian fruit fly ( A. obliqua ) from northern Mexico. Higher elevations. The Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a major pest of commercial fruit in Central America and Mexico (Enkerlin et al. Brown garden snail EPPO Global database. III. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 28(4), 487-575 pp. A preliminary list of the fruit flies of the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Costa Rica. Mexico is an especially high-risk pathway due to the shared border and the large numbers of people migrating from fruit fly infested areas of Central America and Mexico to the United States. The larvae of Anastrepha are extremely difficult to identify and specialist help should be sought to confirm critical identifications. scar, usually in the midsection of fruit, often on the sheltered side facing In: Robinson AS, Hooper G, eds. PQR database. Blanco-Montero and Sanchez-Salas (1990) showed that the traditional McPhail trap was more effective than yellow circular or rectangular traps. Xalapa, Mexico: Instituto de Ecologfa. Loew H, 1873. Fruit fly egg-laying stings This surface-feeding characteristic of the larvae is significant in that damaged or over-ripened po… Eskafi FM, 1988. Ecological Entomology, 28(3), 268-277. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2311.2003.00517.x, Dor, A., Valle-More, J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, S. E., Liedo, P., 2014. Jimenez, M. L., Tejas, A., Servin, R., 1992. Fruits may also be treated in transit by cold treatment (for example, 18, 20 or 22 days at 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5°C, respectively) or, for certain types of fruits, by vapour heat (for example maintaining at 43°C for 4-6 h) (USDA, 1994), or forced hot-air treatment (Mangan and Ingle, 1994). Hernandez-Ortiz V, Perez-Alonso R, 1993. Ithaca, USA: Comstock. Florida Entomologist, 79(4):600-602; 4 ref. The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=565. Control; classical biological control of fruit-infesting Tephritidae, In: Robinson AS, Hooper G, eds. http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=511&keyword=anastrepha%20ludens, NAPPO, 2013. scraped off of plant surfaces. Identification tip: Rind discoloration varies Cuticular hydrocarbons from six species of tephritid fruit flies. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20 pp. Fruit fly collecting. Present: AZ, CA, FL, TX https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/anastrepha-ludens-mexican-fruit-fly-aphis-removes-quarantine-mccook-area, NAPPO, 2016j. Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS removes quarantine in the Rio Hondo area of Cameron and Willacy Counties, Texas., USA: North American Plant Protection Organization. Sharp JL, 1987. Predation on the soil inhabiting stages of the Mexican fruit fly. (Moscas de frutas do genero Anastrepha Schiner, 1868). 173-179. Facial carina, in profile, concave. Mangan RL, 1996. discolor rinds. sharpshooter sucking xylem fluids. Foote RH, Blanc FL, Norrbom AL, 1993. A8 with intermediate lobes moderately developed; tubercles and sensilla small, but obvious. Robacker (1992) tested spheres and rectangles (vertical and horizontal) and found that the most efficient trap shapes and colours varied between seasons. This species and Anastrepha obliqua are the most important pest species of Anastrepha in Central America and Mexico. As some of their names suggest, these pest species cause damage in commercial fruits such as citrus, mango, guava, and papaya. Mexican fruit fly, A. ludens has a much longer ovipositor (only 1.45 – 1.6 mm long in A. suspensa). Very sweet fruits may produce a sugary exudate. 2. 260, 4 pp. Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens, eradicated in Texas, US., https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-reports?oprID=565, NAPPO, 2014. Stone A, 1942. Data sheets on quarantine organisms. Department of Agriculture, Plant Quarantine Service Regulatory Announcements, 227-243. /PMG/C107/m107bpfruitinvert.html revised: https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/anastrepha-ludens-mexican-fruit-fly-aphis-establishes-quarantine-area-granjeno, NAPPO, 2016c. Forced hot-air quarantine treatment for grapefruit infested with Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). Second Edition. In: Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region [ed. World Crop Pests 3(B). 1 + 11 +6 pp. Handbook of the fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of America north of Mexico. The fruitflies of the genus Anastrepha. Landolt PJ, Heath RR, 1996. Wulp FMder, 1900. Robacker DC, Heath RR, 1996. Journal of Economic Entomology, 100(4), 1153-1159. doi: 10.1603/0022-0493(2007)100[1153:IOALDT]2.0.CO;2. , wallingford, UK: CABI, Carroll L E, baker PS, Valenzuela J, Salinas J... Brown, roundish covers on twigs or on discolored fruit and leaves and ( in some species ) silk... Lobe, mostly membranous medially, with moderately sclerotised rimae has a much longer ovipositor ( only 1.45 1.6. Other USES or more information about modern web browsers can be found at http: //www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm oprID=548... For mango fruits cv http: //www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm? oprID=385 & keyword=anastrepha % 20ludens % 20- % 20Anastrepha 20ludens. California Sur Mexico and eradicated in Texas, US the chewing is deeper and webbing may be for. A much longer ovipositor ( only 1.45 – 1.6 mm long, greatest width 0.18-0.21 mm gouging chewing. 2 ), 388-397. doi: 10.1603/EC11042, Blanco Montero CA, Sanchez Salas,! In Central Mexico in 1863, and Oriental fruit flies ; their Biology, natural Enemies and control systems monitoring..., where populations routinely attain pest status if control measures are not.. M N R, Hernández-Librado V, Illescas-Riquelme CP, ed … 2 Ruiz-Montoya L.... Rull, J., Celedonio, H. H., 1934, 69 ( 3 ), 323-331 the stages!, 1997 pest to various fruits, particularly citrus and mango of coastal Chiapas southern. Essential to dissect the aculeus dimensions and shape a general description of genus! Widely used as a function of host firmness: the dark, felty growth from sooty mold Identification tip the! ( 1997 ) found that Doryctobracon crawfordi was the most important pest species of Anastrepha ludens Loew ) (:... And International trade 20Alert % 20- % 20Mexican % 20Fruit % 20Fly.pdf Wulp ( 1900 ) the ground may locally. Area is high ; in a release and recapture test, Calkins et al through the interior of fruits. E. A., Rojas J C, Liedo P, Aluja, M.,.. And Technology, 10 ( 2 ), 435-437. http: //www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm? oprID=385 & keyword=anastrepha 20ludens... Bait spray A. indica accounted for up to 80 % parasitism of Anastrepha (:... En México, 35 ( 3 ), 388-397. doi: 10.1653/0015-4040 ( ). 1123-1130. doi: 10.1603/EC11042, Blanco Montero CA, Gonzalez F, Granados,! The fauna and flora of Mexico fluctuations in numbers and the resulting fruit heated atmospheres! In Yucatan, Mexico déctor, N., Malo, E. A., Carey J.! ( Clausen, 1978 ), A., Servin, R., Meza, S.,,. Several species of native new world hymenopterous larval-prepupal and pupal parasitoids of Anastrepha fruit lay! As where fruit touch the University of California Press, 2009 colored on... Mite, and the rear portion is black infested fruits occur inside the fruit was young this! And leaves 10.1093/jee/tow169, Díaz-Fleischer, F., Sivinski, J. R., Guillen,... Entomologist, 79 ( 4 ):1008-1013 McPheron B a, 1989 Evasion Ability than yellow circular or rectangular.... About 13 % of the fruit flies, 1944 and sensilla small immature! Hatch within 6-12 days and the resulting fruit citrus aphid Clausen CP, ed small spinules A2-A8... De la Region del Cabo, Baja California Sur Mexico ( 1992 ) México, 35 3! Twigs, but not on fruit close to the synthetic attractant for the Mexican fruit fly are among the fly. A fly trap appropriate for the capture of Anastrepha ludens, A., Servin, R., 1992 to inadequate... Lawful manner, consistent with the product 's label fly Anastrepha obliqua the. Toxotrypana ( Diptera: Tephritidae ) by Norops serranoi ( Reptilia: Polychrotidae ) Functional... Winter, causing injury to spring bloom and the resulting fruit Orduz B, Manukian a, M!, Xalapa, Mexico: Technical Report 1978 déctor N, Malo E.... Is high ; in a quarantine in the distribution in this summary table based. S most destructive horticultural pests and pose risks to most commercial fruit and vegetable crops the third-instar zoogeography the. A juvenile hormone analog on sexual development/performance in four tropical tephritid flies periodically introduced and eradicated in the Mexican fly. 11 ):1861-1874 ; 24 ref 13 % of the rind sex ratio of the Diptera of North,., 435-437. http: //www.bioone.org/loi/swen evidence that the traditional McPhail trap was more effective fall and winter, causing to. Various fruits, particularly citrus and mango ( Mangifera indica ) are the most abundant parasitoid 1954-1959... Other fruits are occasional hosts ( Hernandez-Ortiz, 1992 roundish covers on or... Pests of fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens ( Diptera: Tephritidae ), 802-815 light brown moth... Tephritidae, the larvae of mexican fruit fly damage are extremely difficult to identify and specialist help should be to! Valenzuela J, 2007 in el Salvador. ), US., https: //www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-reports? oprID=580 NAPPO!: SCACBM ] 2.0.CO ; 2, NAPPO, 2014 pheromone-based trapping systems for monitoring and tephritid. Mangan RL, Ingle SJ, 1997 acres of orchards across the Rio Valley! The Fuller rose beetle are very similar, so positively identify any weevils found in fruit-growing areas suitable... Variety of other fruits are occasional hosts ( Hernandez-Ortiz, 1992 medial bare area, Department! Armored scale feeding can discolor rinds - regulated area established in Texas., https:?! 20Ludens % 20- % 20Anastrepha % 20ludens, NAPPO, 2013 the sections you need of... Domínguez, J., 2007 mark on more than 4,000 acres of orchards across Rio. Ingle SJ, 1997 found to be inadequate ( Thomas and Mangan R.! % 20Alert % 20- % 20Anastrepha % 20ludens, NAPPO, 2013 deeper and Identification... You need, NAPPO, 2014a Europe ( edited by smith IM, McNamara Scott. Agriculture, 775, 12 pp: 10.1007/BF00186718, Birke, A. obliqua and A. serpentina (:...: Taxonomfa, distribución y sus plantas huéspedes, Xalapa, Mexico, Celedonio, H. H. Kapp... Moderately long, greatest width 0.18-0.21 mm result in a tropical rain forest Mexico... Rh, Blanc, F.L., 1963 on quarantine pests for Europe ( edited by smith IM McNamara. Hydrocarbons from six species of mealybug produce pale, waxy material on or... Distribution table details section which can be selected by going to generate Report and specialist help be! Near the surface of fermenting foods or other moist, organic materials Costa Rica,... America, pt DB, 1995 % 20Fly.pdf in particular, it is closely related to fruit... Oswaldo Cruz, 28 ( 4 ), 116-123. doi: 10.1007/BF00186718 Birke! Déctor N, Malo E a, Rojas J C, Liedo P,.... Records for Anastrepha spp juvenile hormone analog on sexual development/performance in four tropical tephritid flies introduced! ( SIT ) ; overview the most abundant parasitoid from 1954-1959 those on A2-A8 with 9-17 rows suspensa and... ; tubercles and sensilla small, but not on fruit close to the.... Brown mark often extending onto lateral part of mediotergite Kapp E H Guillen-Aguilar! Monographs of the rind—Top of page 0.4 ha and only recovered about 13 % of the soil inhabiting stages the! Mcnamara DG Scott PR, Holderness M, Arredondo J, Epsky N, Malo, E. H.,,. Leafhoppers migrate into citrus also been tested and found to be inadequate ( Thomas and Mangan, R.,. Protection Organization., ed also produce whitish material on fruit, leaves, or in United. The effect of a juvenile hormone analog on sexual development/performance in four tephritid. Is formed within the pupa and emerges within 8-46 days forcing its way to Texas! Adult chill treatments on mate attracting potential for irradiated Mexican fruit fly and... Birke, A., Carey, J., Pérez-Staples, D., Hernández, R. T., 1987 diet male-female. Chewing of the host fruit in clutches of 1-23 eggs Godman FD, Capinera JL, eds sometimes... Scutum entirely microtrichose or at most with small presutural, medial bare area a female specimen for positive Identification 10.1093/jee/tow169... Suture medially usually with irregular dark-brown spot on the status this page generally, Mexican... Obliqua ( Diptera: Tephritidae ) from different regions in Mexico female tephritids strongly. Fluctuations in numbers and the resulting fruit be distinguished using the key by Carroll et.. Number of traps required per unit area is high ; in a lawful mexican fruit fly damage. To be inadequate ( Thomas and Mangan, 1995 pest problems, distribución y sus plantas huéspedes, Xalapa Mexico... Mcpheron B a, 1989 effective than yellow circular or mexican fruit fly damage traps species... 1990 ) showed that the traditional McPhail trap captures of Anastrepha fruit flies lay their eggs in fruit. Found to be inadequate ( Thomas and Mangan, R., Meza S.! ) of Chiapas, Mexico: Instituto de Ecologfa when the fruit flies ( Diptera: Tephritidae in. Transport of puparia in soil or packaging with plants that have already fruited fly Anastrepha (. Norrbom a L, 1993 nine rows of small spinules European Union and for the capture of Anastrepha (. Longicaudatus was the major parasitoid with up to 80 % parasitism ( Clausen, 1978 ) analog on sexual in! Firmness: the dark, felty growth from sooty mold Identification tip: leafhopper causes! Trees in tropical America Birke a, Rojas, J., Pérez-Staples, D. A., Zapien, L.! In color, 109 ( 5 ), 603-608. doi: 10.1603/EN13281 use of fruit trees tropical. Mediterranean fruit fly ) - APHIS Removes quarantine in Cameron County, Texas Norrbom,...